Box Wedge Firewood Order Form

Please complete all fields below to submit your order for firewood. Our office will contact you within 5 business days to schedule delivery. Delivery of firewood will typically occur within 1-2 weeks of your order date.

-All hardwood is maple/ash/oak mix of processed by the 3.5” x 4.5” box wedge and cut to an average of 16". NO CHANGES

-Our Firewood is NOT manually hand loaded from the pile. By submitting a firewood order, you acknowledge understanding of our manufacturing process: All firewood is run through a 1.5” tumbler prior to delivery which removes most of the fines. Meaning pieces are between 1.5” and 4” by the manufacturing process. If you would like to see the tumbler in action click here. This tumbler device is highly effective at taking most of the fines out, HOWEVER it can not remove any piece larger than 1.5"- even if it is an irregular shape. Pieces between 1.5" and 2.5" should be used as kindling (which you will need to start fires) and are accounted for in the volume of our cords (we bring a bit extra to account for the kindling)

- Split your own wood chunks are byproducts of our wood processors and orders are fulfilled as they come off our processor, in the order in which we receive. The chunks require a hydraulic splitter to split. Reasons for ejection from processor include but not limited to: A dimension larger than 16", a diagonal end cut, a knob or knot, irregular shape. In reality for short money this is GREAT value for the DIY customer.

- Hardwood is aged outdoors after culling. Moisture content will vary depending on weather conditions, proximity to sunlight, and species of hardwood. ***When it rains, and for a few days after, the firewood will appear wet***

We can’t recommend enough to procure your firewood early

✅ discounted price

✅ dries better in your small stack than our large pile

Firewood FAQs

How is the firewood processed?

We have two state of the art Multitek Wood Processors, both with a 16-way box wedge. Our processors have a laser guided measurement system which cuts pieces to 16” in length, and produces a premium product of 3 1/2” x 4” block style firewood.

All of our wood is processed through a tumbler and screened as it is loaded into our trailers, which removes dirt and fines to ensure a clean wood product.

What size are the pieces?

All pieces come out of the processor at 16” in length. We try to split to an average cross section of 3 1/2” x 4.”

When can you deliver?

We deliver within 1-2 weeks of your order date. We will call you to schedule delivery, and day of delivery our driver will call or text you with an ETA for delivery.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept cash, checks made payable to WJS Contracting. If you are not going to be home, please leave a check taped to the door

How long is our hardwood seasoned?

We sell wood that is cut one year prior to the burning season. A tree is a living organism and the seasoning process begins when the tree is cut down as that stops the water transfer from the roots to the leaves. From there we process and split the logs over the winter/spring, the season prior to the sale. 

I have a small wood stove. Do you have any smaller pieces?

All pieces come out of the processor at 16” in length. We currently do not have a separate inventory of shorter pieces of hardwood. 

Can I split a delivery with my neighbor?

Yes, we will accommodate split deliveries at no additional charge within a 1-2 mile distance. Payment will be taken at the time of the first delivery location.

How should I store my wood?

We recommend stacking your wood outdoors on top of a dry platform or raised off the ground, with the cut ends of the logs facing outwards. Place a tarp over the top or cover which repels water but allows a breeze to flow under and around the stacked wood.

Like all suppliers, we keep the firewood in a large pile which does not breathe as well as a stack in your yard and thus purchasing early is highly recommended.

How long is our softwood (pine) seasoned?

Pine has been seasoned six months.

Softwood dries significantly faster than hardwood, and an open campfire has a lot of extra air flow, which requires less drying time.

Do you offer kiln dried firewood?

Currently we do not offer kiln dried firewood, only seasoned firewood for burning. 

How is the wood delivered?

We deliver all wood via dump trailer attached to our pickup trucks. We deliver a cord as 172 cubic feet loose in the trailer, which stacks to approximately 128 cubic feet for 1 cord (4’ x 4 ’x 8’).

What are boiler chunks?

Boiler chunks are oversized or irregular pieces of wood that are not able to fit through our Multitek Wood Processors box wedge. These pieces are 10-20 inches in length, and require splitting upon delivery with a hydraulic splitter. Boiler chunks are sold in 2 and 4 cord increments, at a significant discount- $150 per cord, plus delivery.

**Boiler chunks require hydraulic splitter to split**